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Multimedia Work

The Indigenous Community on TikTok with creator @N00nice

For the Tik Talk Project, I interviewed Eunice StraightHead (@N00nice on TikTok). I interviewed them about the indigenous community on TikTok and their thoughts on it as well as the different communities they are a part of themselves. They talk about their content on the app and how welcoming the community of followers that comes with her content.

Femininity in Male Cosplayers with @CouldBeCaden

For the Tik Talk Project, I interviewed Caden Trang (@Couldbecaden on TikTok) about the cosplay community and how male cosplayers don't normally cosplay female/feminine characters as often as female cosplayers that cosplay male/masculine characters. Trang expresses his feminine cosplays and how he's come to terms with his femininity not only in cosplay but as well as in his daily life.

Tik Talk Project

JMC305, Multimedia Journalism, a class project about the impact that the app Tik Tok has on society. I helped design the layout of the site and conducted interviews about culture, music, and cosplay communities within the group. I was in a group of three and interviewed three content creators, using each interview as a different outlet on the website. Feel free to look at the project with the button here.

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